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Two formal research projects are presented here. Both were carried out just before research on the internet became possible. I present them here because I am still interested in the subjects and would be delighted to hear from any other enthusiasts.

Please note that  the second, about a 16th century Irish manuscript and binding, will be presented just as soon as I locate it.

IMAGE FOR Katharine Adams 1862-1952.jpeg

Katharine Adams (Bookbinder)


“Katharine Adams 1862-1952”, is a biography of an English Arts and Crafts bookbinder. This research was carried out as part of a BA in Calligraphy & Bookbinding, 1997, from the Roehampton Institute, University of Surrey, London. Today a few moments on the internet gives me so many of those family details I then craved. 


Katharine Adams (in case you might be related to her and if so please get in contact) was the daughter of William Fulford Adams 1833-1921 and Catherine Mary Horton 1830-1912. Katharine Adams married in 1913 Edmund James Webb 1852-1945 son of Benjamin Webb and Maria Elphinstone Mill.


A photograph of Katharine Adams can be found in Marianne Tidcombe’s “Women Bookbinders 1880-1920” published in 1996 by the British Library. Katharine’s husband Edmund Webb’s portrait was painted by William Dacres Adams and can be found online.


Katharine Adams’ brother, William Dacres Adams, 1864-1951, was a painter who married Regina E Houghton 1873-1940 with whom he had a son Dacres Houghton Adams and a daughter Marie Regina (Molly) who married Wray Hunt and had a daughter, and a son called Harry. When Regina Houghton died in 1940 William Dacres Adams married Millicent Etheldreda Gray 1873-1957 a painter with, in 1911, a studio in 39 Holland Park Road: her sister Monica Frances Gray was also an artist.


I am also interested in anyone connected with Katharine’s assistant Georgina Gwendoline Hampshire 1876-1961.

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